
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Final Link up for 2019

As we come to the end of 2019, the monthly managers for TGIFF want to thank you for your continued support as followers and hosts.

We hope you have enjoyed this holiday season, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, to name but a few.

TGIFF this week is being hosted by Anja Quilts.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

All the Colours of the Rainbow

There's a lot of colour happening over at Home Sewn By Us.  Head over to see Roseanne's colourful blocks and to see how she incorporated colour into the sashing.

There are lots of spots available to host TGIFF in 2020.  It's a great way to connect with the quilting community and to see all the great projects being made.  Click here to sign up to host!  Remember, we ask that you sign up for only two dates over the year so there are lots of opportunities for others to host as well.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


TGIFF this week is being hosted by Vasudha @ Storied Quilts.  Stop by to see her quilt that has been accepted to QuiltCon.

Have you signed up to host TGIFF in 2020 yet?  Click here to sign up to host!  Remember, we ask that you sign up for only two dates over the year so there are lots of opportunities for others to host as well.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

It's *Finally* Finished!

Have we mentioned before how much we TGIFF managers love those of you who host each week? You are all amazing and we appreciate you soooo much! TGIFF wouldn't be possible without our weekly hosts.

We have the 2020 spreadsheet ready now, so just click here to sign up to host! Remember, we ask that you sign up for only two dates over the year so there are lots of opportunities for others to host as well.

Having taken care of that business, let's get to this week's party! Madame Tailor is hosting TGIFF for the first time, so be sure to give her an extra big THANK YOU for hosting 😊 She has a long-awaited finish to share, so head on over to check it out and link up your finishes for the week.