
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let's Party From Now Until The End of the World!

Alright people, if the Mayans are right, this is our last TGIFF! party EVER!*

Our host this week, Karen @ Sew Well Maide, is banking on Christmas happening with her beautiful finish. And Karen should know because she's in Australia where it's already December 21st. She reports that things are just fine there, but just to be sure, go check it out for yourself, link up a recent finish, grab an 'It's the end of the world' portion of your favourite beverage and visit the other finishes.

*Disclaimer: The organizers of TGIFF! would like everyone to know that should the world still exist next week, TGIFF! will be with Shanna @ Sparrow In Flight. We will, however, still be happy to accept anyone's stash. Thank you.