
Thursday, November 13, 2014

TGIFF! Is On At Quilt Matters

M-R's hosting TGIFF! this week at Quilt Matters. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't finish what I'd hoped to finish, but I'll do my best to 'shake it off' and enjoy TGIFF! anyway!

Speaking of shaking it off, have you seen this pairing of Taylor Swift's Shake It Off with the 80s Aerobic exercise video? Uncanny!


  1. this is the BEST video link you've ever done. Absolutely hilarious!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!

  2. had to watch it again! Ok so there's the hair, the outfits, the socks and the moves - all of which make me laugh and then the expressions on their faces!! I really needed a laugh today, thanks M-R! I wonder what they're all doing now? hahahaha!

  3. I agree, this is too funny! I must send this link to a friend who taught aerobics in the 80's and 90's -- I'm sure it will bring back some memories!

  4. So glad you guys liked this one! It was just too funny not to share. The weird thing is that I think I remember seeing this back then. LOL!
