Thursday, December 28, 2017

TGIFF to end the year!

WOW!! It's the last TGIFF of 2017 😲 Thank you for celebrating your finishes with the TGIFF family this year. I can't wait to see all the finishes that are to come in 2018!

Kathy, of Kathy's Kwilts and More, quilted a quilt made by a co-worker and she's sharing that finish this week. Head on over to check it out and then link up your finishes for the week (Christmas presents you can finally share, perhaps?).

Don't forget that sign-ups are now open for the new year. You can sign up here. We especially need hosts for January, to get the year started.

See you in 2018!


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Loud and Proud!

Merry Christmas from the TGIFF team!

Do you have all your Christmas gift sewing finished? Sherry, at Powered by Quilting, has a loud and proud Tula gift finished to share with us this week! Check it out and link up your finishes for the week too 😊

Don't forget that signups are now open for hosting in 2018. Click here to sign up. Thanks for hosting! TGIFF wouldn't be possible without you.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Fit for a King!

I like big quilts and I cannot lie 😊Actually, I've never made anything bigger than a double bed size quilt, but Myra, of Busy Hands Quilts, has a king size quilt to share this week. Go give her a virtual high-five and link up your own finishes!

Also, sign-ups are now open for hosting in 2018! Click here to pick your week to host 😊

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Make it Personal

Leanne at Devoted Quilter has some personalized Christmas presents to share this week. Pop on over to check them out and link up all of your own finishes (or at least the ones you can share, lol).

Now if only someone could slow down these December days...