Friday, August 27, 2021

What have YOU finished??

The TGIFF managers are a bit busy with end-of-summer activities and don't have a finish to share this week! 😱 Link up what YOU have finished right here on the TGIFF blog!

Want to sign up to host TGIFF on your blog? It's super easy, and the next few weeks are open! Sign up here!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ruffle some feathers!

Brenda of Songbird Designs is sharing a beautiful finish this week! Look at those ruffles! Hop over to her blog to read more about it and link up your own finish!

Thursday, August 12, 2021


Chris at Chrisknits is sharing a quilty finish this week with the most amazing texture! Go check it out and link up your own finish!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Bowl full of Blue!

Gail's sharing a fun finish on her blog, Quilting Gail, this week! Hop over there to check it out and link up your own finish!