Friday, December 30, 2011

Last TGIFF! of 2011

Can you believe 2011 is almost over? Are you madly trying to finish up some projects before the end of the year? Jess @ Life Under Quilts is hosting today's TGIFF! party. Link up so we can see what you've finished lately there!

Happy New Year all!

Friday, December 23, 2011

A very merry, happy holiday TGIFF!

Hi all, M-R here. I have some small gift finishes this week, but I don't think I'll be able to put a post together now that our guests have started arriving! Very exciting around here, says my son.

I did get Micah's growth chart pillowcase bound, but haven't finished the quilting. While I'm disappointed that it's not completely finished, somehow I don't think Micah will really notice. :)

Let the merrymaking begin and happy holidays, y'all!

Thanks for linking up to TGIFF! Please take a few minutes to check out the other finishes and don't forget to link back to this page so that your readers can enjoy the other finishes too. Thanks!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Twas two nights before Christmas

The Linky party will be here for the indefatigable finishers, unless anyone is desperate to host! :) I expect it will be a quiet one!

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Bleeping Awesome TGIFF! Has Begun

The loveable Lucy from Charm About You is our hostess with the mostest this week and the party is up and going. Check out her bleeping awesome finish and share yours. 

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jingle bells...

I hear bells. Is it Santa's sleigh already?

Nope, it's charms a jingle-jangling because Lucy at Charm About You is hosting TGIFFriday this week.

And it's rocking up FAST. If you have any finishes ready, or have finished in the past week, get ready to link your post with Lucy and add the TGIFF button to your sidebar. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not So Quiet Anymore on the Western Front

Hi all, TGIFF! is live at Quilt Matters. Come check it out and link up. Oh, and you can see what craziness I was up to today.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All quiet on the Western front...

Is it me or are things quietening down in the blogosphere?

Sew Modern Monday is in recess for the summer holidays (SUMMER WHERE I AM, CHILLED WHITE WINE IN THE SWIMMING POOL ANYONE?).

WIP Wednesday is in abeyance.

But never fear, TGIFFriday is still here!

Well, it's actually going to be over at Quilt Matters this Friday. So get your weekly dose of linky party there and spread the word. (WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS BLOG ENTRY if you don't want to be singing the Sound of Music tunes).

Then on December 16, one of the funniest ladies in quilting blogland, Lucy at Charm About You (I thought that was Singlish - Singaporean English when I first saw the title, but it's not) will be hosting the following week. Have you seen the zipper pouch she made? She's making me one to ensure nothing goes wrong with her TGIFF linky party out of the goodness of her heart. (Hint hint).

December 23 we will have the party here to round off the year.

Oops, no, not quite. December 30 is a Friday and Jess at LifeUnderQuilts will be hosting. My bad.

It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Oops, I accidentally posted earlier than intended. That means you have an extra day to get your stuff together and join up a linky post. :)

But YES folks, that does mean what you think it means - SHE'S DONE IT!!! Hop on over to QuokkaQuilts for the full story.
By the way, I'm putting this one in the weekly quilt contest. Julie always wins so you may as well go and vote for her, and me too if you're feeling kind! Voting starts Friday.

Now, hop over to see me at my real home:

Monday, November 28, 2011


It's my turn to host TGIFF again this Friday and I'm FREAKING OUT. 

I'd like to say I've been working madly on my 10 year old WIP but I've mostly been procrastinating. As I have for the last ten years.

Yup, that's right. A ten year old WIP. One of the reasons I took up the TGIFF challenge with M-R. 

The FMQ-ing is nearly there. Didn't quite finish due to technical difficulties so moved on to binding before quite finishing the quilting. The pins are out. The binding half done. 2 large blank triangles left to fill in with FMQing. 

Washing and removing 10 years worth of dust and dog hair - every speck shows up on black - will be the last steps. And photographing.

Will I get there? I'm not honestly sure. There's something reassuring about this UFO. Not finishing it has been a 10 year long habit, the third quilt I started, the first I designed myself. I'm gonna miss the guilt of having it in the spare room, on the bed, pinned and thinking "I really must finish that". It's grown with me from beginning patchworker to confident, free-motion quilter. Can I bear to actually finish it?

You'll have to wait and see on Friday at Quokka Quilts... 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Party is On at Sparrow in Flight!

Shanna, our hostess with the mostest this week at Sparrow in Flight, has the linky party up. She has five finishes this week! Way to go, Shanna! If you've got a finish, head on over to link up. Take some time later today/tomorrow to check out the other fabulous finishes. Happy Friday, all!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This Week's TGIFF!

Working away on those WIPs? Holiday gifts? Get them ready for this Friday's party. Shanna @ Sparrow in Flight will be our hostess with the mostest this week. We'll post here when the party is live.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Friday's TGIFF! Host with the Most is Tabatha @ Bending Pins

The talented Tabatha @ Bending Pins will be hosting this Friday's TGIFF! party. Yay! We'll post here when it's live Thursday night EST (Friday AM Australia time). Let's get those finishes ready!

Happy quilting!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Party is On!

It's Friday morning in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc. so let's get things going. M-R's post is live and the linky party is on. Go check it out and link up!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Who's Ready for TGIFF! This Friday?

I (M-R @ Quilt Matters) is hosting this Friday! I love these parties - such a great way to end the week, don't you think?

I'm working like crazy to finish a Christmas wallhanging to share with you. I already know that I'll be making more as gifts.

Will you have something to share? I love seeing your finishes so please link up and pass along the word to your readers. The more the merrier, in my book!

The linky party will actually start Thursday night in North America so that the party is live Friday morning Australia time. We're going all night people!

A couple of people have asked me how to include a link to the party. There are two ways you can do it:

1) In the HTML code of your post, add in the following code at the bottom of your post. (In Blogger, you'll paste this code in the Edit HTML tab side)

2) You can also link directly to the host's site. In this Friday's case, you'd link to

There's been a change in the schedule so we're looking for someone to host on November 25th. Cindy @ A Colourful Life will now be celebrating her birthday out of town so she won't be available to host. Happy early birthday, Cindy! So who would like to grab this hosting opportunity? Speak up now because the next one probably won't be until March! Yes, we're booked until March now. Woo hoo! If you'd like to host sign up on our Can I host Puuhleezee? page.

See you Friday!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Remember remember first Friday of November!

I've finished the quilt, I've finished the blog post, and we're ready to roll!!! 

It's a singing, dancing, poetry-reciting, joke-telling gallery of a blogpost. There's something for everyone.
Ok, there is no dancing, unlesss you count "the winding Morris men ( Angry Alfie Bill and Ken),
Waving hankies sticks and boots" but the rest is there. Honest.
Have I piqued your interest?

As soon as the clock rolls round to Friday Down Under (if I've set the settings right), my post should be up and you can add your linky at:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WIP, Questions and a reminder...

Well, i have my TGIFF project finished and ready to go - miracles DO happen! It's my turn to host this Friday so drop by, say hi, and link up if you have a finish :)

So my big question is which WIP next? The oldest? The closest to finished? The current favourite? The NEW must do for next year secret projects?

Ok, one is maybe not so secret - can you guess what and why this is a 2012 project? :)

The other planned project is a quilt along. I don't think i'll launch till next year for a few reasons, but I'd like to know:
For QALs, do you prefer a flickr pool or a linky party?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Quokka Quilts this friday!

This Friday's Thank Goodness It's Finished linky party will be at QuokkaQuilts. Hop along!

Friday, October 28, 2011

TGIFF! Party Here Today!

Hi all, looks like we're having some logistical issues today so we're going to do the linky party here this week. Sorry about this!

Have a great Friday, everyone! 'Cause it's Friday! :)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Life Under Quilts TGIFF

It's Friday again! Well it is Down Under and I know the rest of you will catch up soon! It's a beautiful spring day in Perth and I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO WORK!!!! Our state capital is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which means the Queen is here and a large assortment of other dignitaries so we have the day off work.

Jess of Life Under Quilts is hosting today, so hop over and have a look. If you link up, please add the TGIFF button and link so others can go and have a look at Jess's and all the other finishes.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reflections on TGIFF

A big thank you to Erin for hosting in adversity and to all those who linked up.  :)
M-R and I were a bit disconcerted to see a few other Friday Finish linky parties going on, but thinking about it, there are a couple of things I need to remember.

1) This isn't about having ten thousand followers. TGIFF is for US to make US finish OUR quilts.We blog and quilt for enjoyment but have problems finishing. So it's not about getting a zillion people to link in. I could easily fall into the trap of promoting TGIFF so hard that I spend no time finishing quilts. Right now, I'm thinking "keep this short, you have two weeks until your next host and SOMETHING needs to be finished." The problem for me is choosing which WIP, which is why I need TGIFF!  So here's a sneak peek of what I'm aiming to finish

2) What makes TGIFF different from other linky parties, is that you (yes YOU!) can take a turn at hosting. That means you can give yourself a deadline and got a little pressure to keep to it (so easy to just start a new project instead of finishing an old one). I work better like that. :) I'd feel guilty if I let M-R down. So I will have a finish, I promise. (Fingers crossed!).  And I mean a Stage 3 finish (Stage 1 being top finished, 2 being quilted and 3 being bound, as someone commented on Erin's post). So TGIFF is for you too. :) To get a date, sign up on the hosting page. We have one week free left this year, so if you are way off having a finish but want to have one by the end of the year, that spot is still open. :)

That said, it would be nice to spread the love and find other interesting quilt-netty people, so we encourage anyone who links in with a TGIFF to add the button to their post and a link. Spread the love and spread the word!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Missy Mac hosting...

Erin of Missy Mac Creations is hosting today - if you have a finished project, get your linky in!

If you'd like to host TGIFF, enlist on the hosting page. We are booked out until the last Friday in December, which is a good deadline to work to. There's a chance you may get in earlier if one of us gets stuck without a finish - I'm trying like mad for my monthly turn in two weeks time!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MissyMac hosting this week!

One more day till I'm home so just a quick shout out to remind you that if you have a finish (sadly I won't having been off on a jolly holiday), Erin at MissyMac Creations is hosting Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday this week!

If you have a finish, grab the button, link up and join the fun!

Remember, if you want to host, add your site to the linky page "Can I host?" :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Introducing TGIFF!

Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday is an interquiltinental intercontinental CanAussie (Canadian-Australian) initiative by M-R of QuiltMatters and Laura of Quokka Quilts.

It started off with a challenge to ourselves to finish some of the Works in Progress (WIPs) we were featuring on WIP Wednesday. We decided we needed to WhIP ourselves into shape and at the same time, encourage each other.

Then we thought, why just the two of us? Why not share the love? Why not have a linky party? (You can't have too many linky parties can you?!) We can celebrate the fabulous finishes out there in the blogosphere, check out some new blogs and meet some new folks. Sound like fun? We think so too. It will be like a mini quilt show every week!

Here's How It Will Work:
Laura will host on the first Friday of the month and M-R will host the second. That leaves the third, fourth and sometimes fifth Friday free for someone else to host. You know you want to!

To get us started, Laura will host this Friday’s TGIFF party. Whether you have a finished project to share or not, everyone is welcome! If you do have a finish that you’d like to share, check out Laura’s site on Friday and link up your post. Then grab a beverage (or two – we won’t judge) of your choice, tell your family that you are going to Australia (unless you are from Australia, then tell your family that you are going to Perth…unless you are from Perth, then…oh, you get the idea), tour the other finishes, and spend some time admiring and commenting on the other fabulous finishes. We know that your finish will be the best, but you still need to share the love. It’s what quilters do. :)

M-R will host on October 14th and then we’ll go somewhere else on the 21st – your place perhaps?

If you’d like to host a party, send us an email with a preferred date from the list below. Ideally, you would pick a date to host when you think you’d have a finish to share. You’d also need to add the linky party code to your post, which is very easy to set up and free for your first linky party.

[Edit: Woo hoo! We have hosts lined up for October and November! Thank you Erin, Jessica, Tabatha and Cindy for stepping up. For those of you who would still like to host, there will be opportunities coming up in December.]
We'll use this site as a central spot for people to find out where the next rave party is. So that's it. Get those WIPs out!