Thursday, June 15, 2023

Graffiti Quilting

You'll find TGIFF this week being hosted by Gail @ Quilting Gail.  Stop by to link up your finish from this week and to see her wild/graffiti quilting on her latest finish.


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  2. Thank you for sharing your passion for graffiti quilting and for sparking my curiosity about Maya Rudolph's net worth. Your blog continues to be a source of creative inspiration, and I look forward to exploring more of your artistic endeavors.
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  3. I absolutely loved reading about Graffiti Quilting on your blog! The way you've combined the vibrant, artistic spirit of graffiti with the intricate craft of quilting is truly remarkable. It reminds me of the creativity and innovation in "Encanto." How Old Is Dolores in Encanto, like the quilts you showcased, brings together tradition and modernity in a unique and beautiful way. Keep up the fantastic work!
