Thursday, December 27, 2012

An old acquaintance...

For the last post of the year, it's fitting that an old friend of TGIFF does the honours. Shanna at Sparrow in Flight was one of our first hosts. She's had a big year and is finishing it with some amazing finishes.
There was no other song choice than Auld Lang Syne and while I looked through some dogs singing it, puppets singing it, Westlife massacring it... I went with one of the most beautiful versions I've heard - Mairi Campbell, whose voice was featured on the Sex and the City Soundtrack. The clip is touching too and shows the strength friendship can have. MR and I would like to thank you all for joining us on TGIFF and are thankful for the friendships that have developed and continue to grow. May you all have a happy, finishful new year! Now enjoy Mairi Campbell's beautiful voice and Shanna's beautiful finishes!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let's Party From Now Until The End of the World!

Alright people, if the Mayans are right, this is our last TGIFF! party EVER!*

Our host this week, Karen @ Sew Well Maide, is banking on Christmas happening with her beautiful finish. And Karen should know because she's in Australia where it's already December 21st. She reports that things are just fine there, but just to be sure, go check it out for yourself, link up a recent finish, grab an 'It's the end of the world' portion of your favourite beverage and visit the other finishes.

*Disclaimer: The organizers of TGIFF! would like everyone to know that should the world still exist next week, TGIFF! will be with Shanna @ Sparrow In Flight. We will, however, still be happy to accept anyone's stash. Thank you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Might This Be?

Find out at this week's TGIFF! party, which is over at Quilt Matters. Come link up your own recent finish, pour a glass of Egg Nog (with or without rum - yum!), and spread a bit of holiday cheer while visiting the other finishes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The F word...

Today's post is brought to you by the letter F. Hop on over to Quokka Quilts to see what it stands for... Maybe leave a guess here in the comments beforehand if you feel like it. :)


Thursday, November 29, 2012

To Infinity And Beyond at Making Rebecca Lynne

Whoops, wrong infinity! But just keep calm and fly on over to Making Rebecca Lynne to check out Rebecca's beautiful infinity scarf and link up your own recent finish.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What's Grey, Black and Yellow All Over?

Em from Sewing by Moonlight's beautiful Road Trip QAL quilt! Check it out and link up your own recent finish. Then we hope you take a road trip of your own to visit the other finishes and spread the comment Santa. Whoops, too soon for Santa references, right?

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Happy Friday all! This week's party is here on the TGIFF! site. Link up, tour and enjoy the fabulous finishes...and sign up if you'd like to host. We'll start filling the January and February schedule soon. If you've already signed up, don't worry, we'll be in touch soon!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some Stars Sparkle and Some Fizzle

Find out which it is at Quilt Matters this week. Share your recent finishes and let's celebrate the week that was!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Drum Roll Please...

We had a wonderful 136 finishes for OctoberQuest, the TGIFF! one-year anniversary celebration. It was fun seeing all those great projects. From Halloween costumes to Christmas gifts, from baby gifts to finishing some old UFOs, you all rose to the OctoberQuest Challenge! Well done, everyone!

A huge thank you goes to our sponsor Mad About Patchwork for providing our prizes and for offering a discount to our participants. A big thank you also goes to our hosts for the month -- Janice @ Better Off Thread, Jenelle @ Echinops & Aster and Lynette @ What a Hoot! Em @ Sewing by Moonlight also deserves huge kudos for the redesign of the TGIFF! site and button! Thank you all for making OctoberQuest happen!

Without further ado, here are our winners according to Mr. Random Number Generator (I didn't count my finish in Mr. Random Number Generator):

Congrats to #125, which is Julia Graber of Life As A Quilter with her Diamonds for Tina Sue!

Congrats to #30, which is Kelli of Seriously...I Think It Needs Stitches for her Swoon quilt.

Fabulous work, everyone and thanks for participating!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

TGIFF! Gets Its French on Over at Charm About You!


The fabulous Lucy at Charm About You is hosting this week's TGIFF! party with some adorable baby gifts. Time to head over, link up and enjoy the inspiration!

The draw for OctoberQuest is coming. I'm just elbow-deep in Harry Potter scarves tonight and Laura is somewhere in the wilds of the United States.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last Call...

for alcohol OctoberQuest! Lynette at What A Hoot! is hosting our last TGIFF! party for October. She's sharing a gorgeous reproduction quilt called Patriots in Petticoats. Lynette's party, as well as all of this month's TGIFF! parties, will be open until October 31st for link ups to be eligible for our OctoberQuest prizes - two $50 gift certificates to Mad About Patchwork. Also, TGIFF! participants get 10% off purchases at Mad About Patchwork until October 31st as well -- the promo code is TGIFF10.

A reminder of the OctoberQuest rules:
  1. Your quilty project must be completely finished (As much as we love celebrating quilt tops or completed blocks, they will not be eligible for the prizes).
  2. You may enter more than one finish and even more than one finish each week. Just add a link for each finish to one of the linky parties. The linky parties will stay open from their start date until the end of the month.
  3. Your post/photo on Flickr/Picasa must have a link back to the TGIFF! site and the particular party you are participating in. 
  4. Link up your quilty finish in any of the TGIFF! linky parties this month:
  5. OctoberQuest will be open until October 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST. A winner will be picked via Ms. Random Number Generator on November 1st and notified via email. Please make sure we can contact you via email or we will need to run Ms. Random again.
So head on over to What A Hoot!, link up, and enjoy the inspiration!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

As You Wish...

It's inconceivable that it's already the third Friday of OctoberQuest, our one year anniversary of celebrating Friday quilty finishes! This week, Jenelle from Echinops & Aster has a fabulous finish that will have you wanting to (re)read and/or (re)watch The Princess Bride. Check it out and link up one or more of your own finishes.

Keep in mind that to qualify for our OctoberQuest prizes of two $50 gift certificates to Mad About Patchwork, your link-up projects must be completely finished and you must include a link back to one of the OctoberQuest TGIFF! parties. Full rules are here.

Now back to the mushy parts...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

OctoberQuest Is On At Quilt Matters

The Hudson's Bay point blanket is an icon of Canadian culture. It's a very old design, but feels very modern and it's my finish this week at Quilt Matters. Come on over to check it out and celebrate OctoberQuest by linking up one or more of your own quilty finishes!

I posted this video on my blog a few weeks ago, but it's very à propos this week so I thought I'd share it here. See if you can spot the Hudson's Bay Company blankets that inspired my finish...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

And We're Off Over the Rainbow!

Welcome to OctoberQuest everyone! Janice from Better Off Thread is our first host to kick off TGIFF's month-long first anniversary challenge.

Her Over The Rainbow Mini Quilt is stunning so go check it out and link up one or more of your own quilty finishes! We hope you can take some time to kick back, enjoy the other finishes, and celebrate the week that was.

Every finish linked up during the month of October gets a chance at one of two $50 gift certificates for Mad About Patchwork! And all participants get 10% off purchases at Mad About Patchwork this month too -- just use TGIFF10 at checkout.

A quick review of the rules for OctoberQuest:
  1. Your quilty project must be completely finished (As much as we love celebrating quilt tops or completed blocks, they will not be eligible for the prizes).
  2. You may enter more than one finish and even more than one finish each week. Just add a link for each finish to one of the linky parties. The linky parties will stay open from their start date until the end of the month.
  3. Your post/photo on Flickr/Picasa must have a link back to the TGIFF! site and the particular party you are participating in. 
  4. Link up your quilty finish in any of the TGIFF! linky parties this month:
  5. OctoberQuest will be open until October 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST. A winner will be picked via Ms. Random Number Generator on November 1st and notified via email. Please make sure we can contact you via email or we will need to run Ms. Random again.
Share and enjoy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who Needs Octoberfest When You Can Do OctoberQuest

This month marks the one year anniversary of this CanAussie venture, more commonly known as TGIFF! We've got a new look and new buttons thanks to the fabulous Em from Sewing by Moonlight. Thanks so much, Em!

In honour of this milestone and, more importantly, you fine people who link up, we are celebrating with OctoberQuest (challenge, quilt fest - get it?). Anyways, your quest, should you choose to accept it is to finish up those quilty projects, whether it's for the upcoming Bloggers Quilt Festival, the 100 Day Hustle, Finish-A-Long, Halloween, Thanksgiving or even, gasp, Christmas (just think how Super Quilter-ish you'd feel if you were done some of your Christmas gifts before November even started). Or finish up those WIPs, UFOs, charity quilts, or um, overdue gifts -- you decide!

To get your quilting mojo going, we've got some incentives for you. Pam from Mad About Patchwork is giving a $50 gift certificate to two lucky participants! Oh, what quilty goodness I you could get with that! There's something for everyone too - Pam's offering a 10% off purchases for the month of October to all OctoberQuest participants -- just use TGIFF10 at checkout.

So here's how OctoberQuest will work:
  1. Your quilty project must be completely finished (As much as we love celebrating quilt tops or completed blocks, they will not be eligible for the prizes).
  2. You may enter more than one finish and even more than one finish each week. Just add a link for each finish to one of the linky parties. The linky parties will stay open from their start date until the end of the month.
  3. Your post/photo on Flickr/Picasa must have a link back to the TGIFF! site and the particular party you are participating in. 
  4. Link up your quilty finish in any of the TGIFF! linky parties this month:
  5. OctoberQuest will be open until October 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST. A winner will be picked via Ms. Random Number Generator on November 1st and notified via email. Please make sure we can contact you via email or we will blow the gift certificates on ourselves need to run Ms. Random again.
So ramp up your "Let's Get 'Er Done!" attitude and start polishing off those projects to share starting this Friday at Better Off Thread.

Happy OctoberQuest!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Oldie, But A Goodie!

About this time a year ago, Laura and I were lamenting the number of WIPs we had going and the need for some motivation to finish them. A few emails back and forth and TGIFF! was born. 
It warms the cockles of our hearts to see that our fine host today, Jane of Where Jane Creates, used TGIFF! as motivation to finish her beautiful 10 year old WIP.  Check it out, link up, tour and enjoy the inspiration! Hope this has you checking out your own oldies but goodies to see what you might finish next.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Move over Bradgelina

Rythme by Sonia
Delaunay, 1938.
All the great couples have combination names these days: Bradgelina, TomKat (oops, right, no longer together), B-Jay, and Bennifer. It was only fair that my finish this week, which combines the styles of two great artists, gets a similar tribute. LOL.

So come check it out at Quilt Matters and link up one of your recent finishes (no combo name needed) so we can celebrate. We'll party hard, get married, make a big splash in the papers, maybe pop out a few pet or baby quilt projects and get divorced next week. Sounds fun, eh?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Storyboek Love

There was only one possible song to promo this week's TGIFF, and it's by one of my favourite artists again... So hit play on Mark Knopfler and Willy DeVille's Storybook Love, the title music to The Princess Bride, and head on over to QuokkaQuilts for my last TGIFF hosting till after Sewing Summit and a little Storyboek Love.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The suspense is killing me...

Has Erin finished this???
I don't know. And neither do you until you pop on over to see if the has or whether she has a creative excuse.... Go on, you know you want to...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Watchyoo been up to?

But Amy's been busy! Head on over to Amy's Crafty Shenanigans for a TGIFF fix! If you link up, remember to be a good guest to our hostess and link back to her and TGIFF!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Nicole has an alphabetical finish for you over at Mama Love Quilts.  She gave a little snapshot on Monday - has she finished it in time??? Head on over and see! Don't forget to link back to TGIFF and Nicole if you have a finish you're posting about! Or just leave her and the others a little congratulationary comment. :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday's Vroomed round again

Today's TGIFF is hosted by Alyce in Japan with Blossom Heart Quilts and she has put the pedal to the metal to get a vehicular finish happening for you.
It's our first non-English speaking country TGIFF hosting (I think?!) so I thought I'd find some appropriate music for you to party to.  So get down and get on over to Blossom Heart Quilts for Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Missy Mac steps in...

Life has been throwing me on one of those roller coasters over the last few weeks, so MissyMac (aka the NEWLY ENGAGED Erin!!!) has kindly agreed to step in for me. Head on over to MissyMac Creations to join in the TGIFF linky party.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Guest Post - Tech Help for Bloggers

Thank you very much to Jenelle of Echinops and Aster for letting me guest post in her series 'Tech Help for Bloggers'!

For those who haven't been here before, TGIFF is a 'roaming' party. Each Friday, the party is at a different blog, partly so M-R and I don't have to have a  finish every week, and partly to help other bloggers commit to finishes as well as build their blogging skills and exposure. For more info, check out the tabs at the top.

A linky party describes a 'widget' you embed in a blog page to allow other people to post links to your page. These can be links, text, photos, or a combination.

There are a few different 'hosts' of widgets that can be used. We generally refer first timers to Inlinkz, which has a great video tutorial, and gives you free text links (without pictures) and one free picture linky set. After that, it's $2/month.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, it's easiest to watch the video produced by InLinkz to see how to work it. Essentially, I click "Create new collection", give it a name, set a start and finish date, and then specify whether I want it to be pictures and hyperlinks, or just hyperlinks. Inlinkz gives you a code which you paste into the html page of your blog. (In blogger, there is a 'compose' and a 'html' tab - the code must be entered in the html tab).

The hardest part we find for TGIFF hostesses is the date, given the different time zones around the world. If your blog is set in Australia time, for example (we're WAY ahead of much of the rest of the world!) and you set your linky party to start the same time but in the US, it won't show up on your blog until that time in the US. (Annoying - catch up people!). I always advise TGIFFers to set it to start the day before they actually want it to show up, and control the timing of their post from their blog. If the linky has already started and there's no blogpost, no one will see it anyway, but it will be ready when you post.

If you haven't joined a linky party before, I've created a text-only one below. You can add and delete your own link if you wish. Add the link of your blog or just your name if you are loving this Echinops and Aster series!!

Echinops and Aster linkup!

1. Patricia L.  2. Laura  3. CeLynn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Precious TGIFF! Over at Plum and June

Beware all, Beth tried to pull a fast one on us, but her plan for blogosphere domination has been uncovered! 

If you read the last letter of each word of her first two paragraphs of her TGIFF! post over at Plum and June and then jumble them about 50 times and replace half of the letters, you'll find her cleverly disguised subliminal message, "We swears…to serve the quilter of the Precious, we will swear on...on…the Precious!"

That's cheeky, Beth, real cheeky! Sure, you can blame it on Gollum, but your daughter better hope Gollum doesn't see that fabulous bag you made for her or he'll be stealing her Precious bag to hide his Precious ring. Well, I'm onto you, Beth! And I'll be following your every post...

Go on, check it out for yourself and link up your own recent finish. And check out the other precious finishes...just don't steal any, 'kay? It's not that kind of party.

Happy Friday all!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Share It Maybe Over at Quilt Matters

Okay, I wasn't going to go with a video this week, figuring that you all have probably had enough. Buuuuuttttt my sister showed me this video and since my finish this week is kid-related, well, I couldn't resist. Check out my favourite monster ripping off Carly Rae Jepsen and then come over to Quilt Matters for this week's TGIFF!

Now I'm going to have a nanaimo bar with my sis and watch Mirror, Mirror. Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Furry Friday Frolics

It's an animalistic Friday finish over at Quokka Quilts, so come and join the party!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Something for humpday...

We're on a roll with Gotye, but my Friday Finish has nothing to do with any of the topics, so I thought I'd share this one early. Because I DO have an idea for my music promo...

In the meantime, here's "The Starwars that I Used to Know".

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Moving Over to Sparrow in Flight

Shanna may still be unpacking, but she didn't let that stop her from getting her quilty fix with a finish this week. She's our fabulous host at Sparrow in Flight for TGIFF! Fly on over to link up one of your recent finishes and visit the other TGIFF! movers and shakers.

And speaking of living out of boxes, here's a parody of a popular song around here:

Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gotye Bobbin to the end of the week/project...

TGIF!!!!! And TGIFF!!!!
MR has come up with a fun video post for almost every Friday, and me, I got nothing.  But Gemma does and it's a beautiful finish, one that makes you want to light a fire out the front of Gemma's house, ring the door bell and rush around to the back door to pinch it while she's putting the fire out kinda finish...
AND she's posted early, so I guess I'd better pull something out of my hat...

Yup, Red red robin comes bob bob BOBBIN along... cos Gemma's blog is PrettyBobbins. It's her first linky party so head on over and say Hi, follow, or link up if you have a fantastic finish!

Actually, no that song is far too annoying. Listen to some Gotye instead. Muppet style.

Now, I'm off to link up then I'm going to find my matches...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why are we here?

The main reason we started TGIFF was because we both have trouble finishing things and we decided to challenge ourselves to finish off some of our big WIPS. TGIFF has certainly been responsible for kicking my ARMS into gear to finish sewing a number of projects that other wise would have languished.

We decided however, that we wanted TGIFF to be a bit different from the other finish along parties around. One of our reasonings was that different is good, but we also really wanted to give other people the chance to build their blogging skills and host link parties themselves that we could drive traffic to. It's all very well if you have thousands of followers to hold a linky party, but for smaller bloggers, the idea of having a party that no one may come to ... well, it would freak me out.

So TGIFF is here to give you a chance to host a linky party and build your readership. This week, Gemma at Pretty Bobbins is hosting. She has 37 followers so is exactly the sort of blogger we were thinking might really like the chance to host a linky party. Start thinking about a finish you might be able to link up and if or when you'd like to host a TGIFF party yourself!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Bonnet Good TGIFF! To You From Brasier House

Happy Friday, all! So what do Star Trek and My Bonnie (Bonnet) Lies Over the Ocean have in common? They are two things I thought of in trying to come up with this week's promo post, but neither have anything to do with Diane's finish....or do they? Find out for yourself by checking our this week's TGIFF at Brasier House and link up one of your own finishes. Thank you for being our wonderful hostess this week, Diane!

Okay, this video has nothing to do with Diane's finish (although maybe she'll sing it on her trek this summer...), but I came across it this week and it's rather amusing.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Maple Your Way Over to Quilt Matters

It's TGIFF! over at Quilt Matters this week. Head on over to check out the finishes and link up one of your own.

To celebrate the arrival of Friday, I thought I'd share a yummy drink recipe I found on Bar None

Maple Apple Punch

4 oz Rum
2 oz Apple cider
1 oz Maple syrup
1 oz Lemon Juice

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and stir well. Pour into a Collins glass and garnish with a slice of lemon.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fly on Over to Quokka Quilts

Now, Laura ain't no Medusa, but she sure birthed an awesome looking Pegasus for her TGIFF! finish. Head on over to Quokka Quilts to check it out and link up one of your own recent finishes!

Laura's finish brought to mind one of my favourite cartoons as a kid. Did a little search on YouTube and lookee here (is there anything not on YouTube?):

In an effort to protect Laura's Pegasus from cartoon villains, no Wilhelmine's may link up this week. If you go by Wil or Willa though, you're okay.

Happy Friday all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TGIFF! is Over The Rainbow at Dreaming in Patchwork

Dorothy, Dorothy, said you just wanted to go home. But did you? No-ooo, you went to New Hampshire instead of Kansas and got yourself FMQed! What were you thinking, young lady? You are so lucky it was by the adventurous Allison at Dreaming in Patchwork instead of those crazy huge moose that they have there. If you thought those monkeys in Oz were bad, try meeting up with a moose on the yellow brick road at dusk in New Hampshire. No flying houses to help you there, missy.

So grab your ruby slippers y'all, use your fabulous brains by checking out this week's TGIFF! finishes over at Allison's blog, grab some courage and link up one of your finishes, and have a heart by visiting some of the other finishes.

There's no feeling like TGIFF! There's no feeling like TGIFF! There's no feeling like TGIFF....

Thursday, May 17, 2012


If you can guess what this block is called before you click through (or mouse-over the link), I'll send you my stash.
Nope, didn't think you could. So head on over and see what Pat's got in store for you with this week's linky party at ColorMeQuilty. Remember, a good party guests acknowleges their host, so if you link up, link back to Pat and TGIFF. And don't drink and drive. ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

TGIFF! Is On Fire Over at Quilt Matters

It's Friday on the other side of the world from me so it's time to kick off this week's TGIFF! I'm sharing my sons' growth charts, the last of which I finished this week. Woo hoo! Come on over to Quilt Matters, check out the other finishes and link up one of your own recent finishes.

Oh, and if you haven't seen the "And Then We Set It On Fire" site before, check it out. Our friend Kit is part of this mad group of fiber artists.

There's just too many good 'fire' songs out there not to include something so I chose "We Didn't Start the Fire," by Billy Joel. Enjoy!


 Happy Friday all!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Mayday, mayday!!! It's the first May TGIFF and it's at my place!

Hop on over and linky up!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

When A Quilt Monster Has A Dream About a Daisy...

From Creative Bumblebee
it turns that dream into a beautiful quilt. Well, that's my completely fabricated story of how our host Christine's great quilt came to be and I'm sticking to it. But why don't you check it out for yourself at Quilt Monster in my Closet (another awesome blog name!) and link up any recent finishes of your own? It's time for TGIFF!

I can't believe found an image of a monster and a daisy together! Ah, the wonders of Google Images. And how cute are they? This is a felting kit offered by Maria Dent from Creative BumbleBee.

Have a great weekend everyone and happy quilting!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Magical friday

Tracey at The Peony Teacup is hosting TGIFF this week and it's a magical one! You will have to pop over to see what I mean!
Remember, if you have a finish, link up and don't forget to link back to Tracey and TGIFF. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Hour Over at Quilt Matters

Happy Friday/almost Friday, all! It's definitely Happy Hour over Quilt Matters because I'm done my Mod 1600 quilt. Come on over, link up one of your recent finishes and let's celebrate!

Today's song is brought to you by one of my favourite 'mod' bands ever, The Housemartins.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Allison's Got a Brand New Bag

Happy Friday/almost Friday all! And a Good Friday to all who celebrate Easter! Allison from Dreaming in Patchwork is hosting for Laura this week. Thanks Allison! She made a beautiful new bag so I was thinking that this week's song had to be...

Papa's Got a New Bag by James Brown - Not really the same meaning, but hey, it's Friday and things don't have to make sense on Fridays, right?

So head on over to Dreaming in Patchwork to link up and check out the other finishes.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friday I'm in Love...

As MR has been posting videos, I thought I'd better take a turn. But I'm obviously less musical because this is the only thing I could think of... So listen to some classic rock, wind down, head over to Finding Fifth and fall in love with Fiona's finish!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Brought to you by the letter F

The F word. Friday. Fiona. Finding Fifth

That's where TGIFF is this week.

So we're having a very alliterative Friday.

Finalise your finishes, freshen up your foto (that's how it's spelled in Indonesian), and fly on over to Finding Fifth for Fiona's Friday TGIFF fiesta!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A B-argyling Robot for TGIFF!

Can you believe it's Friday/almost Friday already? The amazing Amanda from Don't Tell Quilts is our hostess with the mostest this week. Thanks Amanda! She has an adorable argyle robot quilt to share. Go check it out and if you've got a finish, head over and link up!

And for your ear worm pleasure today, here is one of the all-time best odes to robots. Enjoy!

Happy Friday all!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Spring in Our Step

With Spring on its way north of the equator (woo hoo!), we're heading to Scotland this week for TGIFF! Rhianon @ The Nifty Stitcher is our hostess with the mostest this fine Friday. She has an absolutely stunning quilt she made for her sister. It will definitely put a spring in your step when you see it. Check it out and link up one of your own recent finishes!

Since I mentioned Rebecca Black last week, I thought I'd share her Friday video with you this week. Apologies in advance if this becomes your earworm today! Hee hee!

Happy Friday all!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

TGIFF! is on over at Quilt Matters

Before you head over to check out the finishes and link up your own, I thought you'd get a kick out of this video by Katy Perry, if you haven't already seen it. With guest appearances by Glee cast members, Kenny G, Corey Feldman, Debbie Gibson and Rebecca Black (who the heck is Rebecca Black?), who doesn't want to relive Last Friday Night? All I can say is that I'm really glad Facebook wasn't around when I was in high school or university. ;)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's getting chilly...

Is anyone feeling cold? 
Brrr... TGIFF must be heading from 40C in Australia last week to chilly Canada with M-R for this week's Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday. Please warm M-R up with lots of comments, linkies and cheer. 
And make sure you put a link back to her blog and/or TGIFF so she doesn't look like this:

(I believe that is what cold, grumpy Canadias look like.
Let's not go there peoples...)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


It's well overdue but Ladies and Gentleman, we have a finish! Brought to you by all the letters of the alphabet. Head over, check it out and linky up your finishes at Quokka Quilts!

Monday, February 27, 2012

What a finish!

Wow, I think Rhonda has set the record with 27 finishes linked up to her TGIFF post. You go girl!
But I think the best finish has to go to our longtime TGIFF stalwart, Shanna who has been TGIFFing from the first. This finish was almost 9 months in the making and she's damn glad to have a successful finish on this one. Go and have a look!

In the meantime, my quilter's ADHD and machine problems ALMOST go the better of me. I walked into Textile Traders this afternoon to get a border fabric for what I WAS intending to finish, and almost fell over a roll of fabric that exactly matched the border of a quilt I hadn't finished because I was 3 inches too short on border fabric...  WHOOOPEEE! So I think you can safely say we'll have a finish for Friday, from me, at Quokka Quilts. Miracles do happen... Drop in on Friday and check mine out. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Party in the Gap!

Rhonda at Quilter in the gap who creates amazing quilting blogposts (and sometimes very funny videos of daughter-torture - check out her Xmas post) is the hostess with the mostess today. And she's setting a record for the number of linkys this early I think, so go check out the party in the Gap!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Friday Somewhere In the World So It's Time for TGIFF!

The marvellous Marsha over at Marsha's Spot is hosting this week's TGIFF! It's not Friday yet in Kansas, where Marsha is, but she's ready to host do our linky party this week. Head on over to link up and check out her beautiful finish (hand stitching!) and others. Thanks for hosting, Marsha!

Thought you'd get a kick out of this video, if you haven't seen it before, with the Cathy Miller, the Singing Quilter's, "You Can Quilt it Out". :)

Happy Friday, all!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let the Party Begin!

Hear ye! Hear ye! You are all cordially invited to attend this week's TGIFF! over at Quilt Matters. The festivities have begun so don't be late for this very important date!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

TGIFF! is Live Over at Missy Mac Creations

Erin at Missy Mac Creations has stepped in for Laura this week as host for our TGIFF! party. The linky party is live so head on over to link up and enjoy the other finishes.

Happy Friday all!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Passing the buck...

I've been karmically challenged on the sewing machine front, so Miss Erin of Missy Mac Creations is kindly taking TGIFF for me this Friday. Drop by and say hi. I'll be back online soon!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

UFO Has Been Sighted and Identified!

TGIFF! is live over at What a Hoot! Check out Lynette's beautiful finishes -- they are out of this world! -- and link up yours, if you have one.  

Happy Friday, all!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A UFO Has Been Sighted!

Officials say that resources are being marshalled in response to a report of a UFO sighting at What a Hoot! Sources close to blogger extraordinaire Lynette say that she will have a full report on said UFO this Friday.

In the meantime, experts advise that the best defence against UFOs is a strong offense of aggressively working those WIPs. Experts also request that anyone who encounters something called a "finish", which can be extremely contagious, should report their findings at What a Hoot! on Friday.

Live long and prosper!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

TGIFF! is Live Over at KristyLou Creations

Friday's here...well, it is in certain parts of the world. TGIFF! is live over at KristyLou Creations so hop on over to link up and check out KristyLou's gorgeous tree block!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This Week's TGIFF! Will be at KristyLou's Creations

Get your finishes ready because KristyLou at KristyLou's Creations is the hostess with the mostest this week. We'll let you know when the party is live!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let's Party Like It's 1999 over at Quilt Matters

Who says the New Year's festivities need to end? My Clockwork Orange quilt, 12 years in the making, is finished so I feel like partying like it's 1999. To get you all in the mood for celebrating our finishes this week, how about a little Prince?

The linky party is live so head on over to Quilt Matters to check out the finishes and link up one of your own if you have one.

Happy Thursday night/Friday, everyone!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Celebrating the Millennium over at Quilt Matters This Week

Yes, you read the title correctly. My Clockwork Orange quilt a.k.a the Millennium Rail Fence is finished and is in the wash as I write this post! Woo hoo! Doing the Happy Dance right now!

In about 24 hours, I'll be hosting TGIFF! over at Quilt Matters so get your finishes ready to share!
